Where can you go to celebrate your love of fashion, independent designers, affordable luxury, and body positivity? Well, throw a spoonful of shopping on top of all of that and you’ve got Stylewhile.

Stylewhile is a haven of emerging and established designers, presented in a high-tech, modern, beautiful shopping setting. Some designer names you recognize, others you’re not sure how to pronounce… but one thing’s for sure – this is a completely different shopping experience than every other store you’ve been inside of or visited online. Stylewhile encourages shoppers and explorers to play with their fashion.
Stylewhile: A Fashion Styling Social Network
When you visit the Stylewhile site, the first order of business when creating a (free) account is building your model. Yes, your model. Each user is given a model to customize, selecting XS-L for various measurements to attempt to simulate a similar body type to you, or your mom, or your friends who you pretend you’re the stylist for. You can control the size of your model’s shoulders, bust, waist, hips, arm width, and leg width. There are only five or six faces to choose from, and effort was clearly put forth to offer some diversity. I can’t imagine how long it takes to make a life-like model such as these, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see even more diverse model options in the future.
Customizing my Stylewhile Styling Model
So what do you do with this model? She sits on the right-hand side of the screen in her underwear until you fulfill all of your paper doll building dreams by clicking the “Try On” button on any of the products on the website. You’ll instantly see the garment or accessory on your model.
Stylewhile seems to emphasize play just as much as they encourage you to shop. There’s an entire social network woven through Stylewhile’s site, and styling a model in a great outfit is easily sharable to your profile gallery, and other users can peruse and “like” your styles.
Here are my styles! You can also see my notifications. We can follow each other~!1
One of my favorite parts of the styling function (aside from the uncanny way they fit the clothes to each model, regardless of size) is how they list the designers below each image, making them instantly shoppable.
Now, about the clothes.
I’m used to independent designer hubs that boast beautiful, luxurious wares at extremely luxurious prices. Granted, independent designers have to make a living, so often times the prices are totally justified. What I’m not used to seeing is completely affordable designs next to $990 leather jackets. I’m seeing some big ticket items on Stylewhile, but for every high-priced luxury item, there’s a just-as-independently-made, affordable skirt, dress, or accessory.
Don’t worry, I’ve looked at absolutely everything they have and can easily direct you to the most affordable designers on Stylewhile.
I would love to have $2,000 to spend on some of the higher priced items, I operate on the Broke Girl’s budget, and that means the very tip top of my price range is about $200. And if I buy something for $200, it had better be buried with me when I die, because I’m taking that shit to the afterlife.
Fortunately, Stylewhile has some really cute dresses that I would be happy to rip up the afterlife in. They also have much less expensive things that I could buy without consulting my accountant first.
Most Affordable Designers on Stylewhile
Here are the designers who manage to create beautiful clothing and accessories for mostly under $150. I’ve highlighted my favorites, but you can click any of the designer’s names and read their biographies. Stylewhile has an excellent designer bio feature!
This line was started by two Lithuanian friends and embodies minimalism and comfort. The line is nearly devoid of color, but makes up for it with various interesting textures.
- Plexida
- MUD Jeans
“Naftul” is the Israeli designer’s nickname which speaks to the very cool version of youthful whimsy that her line embodies. There are many slouchy knits alongside several dresses, both tailored and loose, and many tops with sheer ribbons and crocheted cutouts that are basic in theory but eye-catching in execution.
- Krista Elsta Knitwear
- Jolie Su
- Twisted Aristocrat
- Maksym
Bonny Rabbit
This is my favorite brand on Stylewhile. I love these necklace designs, they’re cute, clever, artistic, and just the right amount of nerdy. (Shout out to the Fibonacci Sequence necklace!)
- titiMadam
- Opium Jewelry
Stylewhile Discount Code for 15% Off
Yes, indeed! The very awesome team at Stylewhile is offering Broke And Beautiful readers 15% off on orders over $49 off with this code:
It’s easy to see how you can lose hours just shuffling through the dozens of inspiring designers on Stylewhile. If you’re not there to shop, I promise you will have fun throwing together different outfits and exploring new and emerging designers! If you are there to shop, check out some of the affordable designers listed above. Maybe you’ll discover a new favorite!